This Weeks Message

This Weeks Message

truthWith a several things on his mind, Max briskly walks up to the front of the stage, color-full lights shining on the scene setup behind him, he stands next to the short guardrail that was strategically placed just to his right as he faces the audience. About to speak to the congregation on one of the toughest topics that he has to present, as all eyes are on him, Max begins his message by providing a quick review of the current series.

After building up the audience anticipation, his eyes scanning across the room as if making eye contact with each and every person, Max having everyone’s full attention finally announces the topic of this week’s sermon.

Max Kennedy, Pastor at Park Lake Church, known for his creative series, and ability to capture the attention of the congregation, recently presented a sermon on the topic of the biblical teachings on finances. The sermon outlined some basic principles of finances, the same basic principles that have been taught for thousands of years, and that are currently taught today.

Max mentions three areas that we need to address when it comes to personal finances.


Give: Give 10% of your income back to God through your local church. This not only helps keep the doors open, but also teaches people the principle of giving.

Save: Everyone should save a portion of their income for the future. This doesn’t mean to put your money in a can and hide it in the back yard, but to invest it wisely so your money grows.

Worth mentioning, Max recently presented a sermon on one of the parables from the bible, which was picked up by the local news, where $750 was distributed amongst the congregation and in a few weeks they turned that into over $5,000 which will be distributed to the missionary families the church supports. Talk about a great return on your investment!

Live: Once you have addressed giving and saving, the remainder of the money is yours to spend. There’s nothing that says that you should live in poverty and not enjoy what life has to offer, however before going out a blowing your paycheck, you want to assure that you have paid off all your debt with the exception of your house.


Anyone interested in seeing this sermon, visit and click on Message Series.

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